Panel: Biometrics and Search: How Marketers will use the Data, MediaPost Search Insider Summit, May 4-7 2016, Key Largo FL.
I had the opportunity to attend the MediaPost Search Insider Summit in Key Largo, Florida last month, and what an experience it was! Aside from minor travel issues en route to Florida — a red eye seemed like a good idea until I was stuck on the tarmac in Dallas for most of the night…luckily all 5’1” of me was able to “stretch” out over the two seats in my row and to get some sleep…and I found out that constant lightning emits just enough light to make it possible see through the sheets of rain coming down during a horrible storm on the drive from Miami to Key Largo — I finally made it safe to the beautiful Ocean Reef Club.
The conference was a great experience and I took away a lot about search engine marketing. Some takeaways from the summit:
According to Bing data, 25% of queries are natural language based. And this theme grew throughout the conference: natural language queries are the future. This is something I have noticed at home. My 2 ½ year old son taught himself how to use voice search on his YouTube for Kids app. When he gets bored, he searches for “something else” to which YouTube gives him…something else. The speaker noted how we have come full circle from when Ask Jeeves (who differentiated themselves by promoting users to ask natural language questions) came onto the Search Engine scene in the late 90’s.
Another theme that weaved itself through the conference is the increasing importance of marketers helping a user along their journey as opposed to shoving it in their face. As we are officially in a world where mobile traffic is larger than desktop traffic, it is more important than ever to keep the user experience in mind. With multiple devices comes more data; we need to use this data to inform the experience we are serving to our users and to give them the best content/message at the right time, in the right place. Are we sending a mobile user to an app download page because it’s the “thing” to do? In some instances, does sending them to a mobile landing page that will give them the answer they are looking for quickly make more sense? Big data is here, it’s real, and when used with thought and intent it can make or break your campaign (in other words, it’s time to make a real investment into an analytics team if you haven’t already).
The next couple of days were filled with amazing speakers and great content from the top search marketers in the industry. Some interesting facts I picked up from the three days:
Of course there was no shortage of networking events throughout the three days, the highlight of which was the deep sea fishing trip. We caught 2 good size fish: a Mahi Mahi and a big Tuna (And by we, I mean I sat on the boat and drank a beer while others reeled them in). Once we got back to the dock, the captain gutted and skinned them (and I managed not to pass out). He sent us up the dock to the restaurant and in we walked with a ziplock bag of fresh fish, they seared it ever so slightly, sliced it, and served it…the best tuna sashimi I have EVER had! And the company wasn’t bad either 🙂
Overall, it was a great three days filled with thought provoking content and great conversations. I hope to find myself back at a MediaPost event soon!