Advertising, Haiku, and You


If you only had 17 syllables to explain life in the Firewood office, what would you say? Tough question, isn’t it? Well, Firewood’s LinkedIn team wanted to give it a try.

Here’s our playful massacre of haiku, the unrhymed poetic form popularized in Japan. With five syllables on the first line, seven on the next, and five on the last (plenty of variation is allowed), the idea is to deliver a meditative pop of insight. Or a chuckle. Feel free to share your own in the comments.

Advertising classics

We’re fans of marketing in all forms—especially digital—which means we tend to study big brand launches closely. Taglines that become known around the world are an advertiser’s dream, and a haiku writer’s playground.

Got milk? No? Well, hmm.
This Bud’s for you, my friend. I’m
lovin’ it. Snap! Crackle! Pop!

Maybe she’s born with
It, maybe think different
Think small, make believe

What happens here stays.
Here, when it rains, it pours once.
You pop. You can’t stop.

It takes a tough man
to make a tender chicken
think outside the bun

A day in the life

Some projects are challenging, engaging, and inspiring. But sometimes a day’s work is less poetic and includes explaining, emailing, updating, and presenting, ad infinitum. These haikus are for days like that.

Better. Faster. More
words in a Google Slides deck.
Another day ends.

Brief. Ponder. Write.
Revise. Debate Bon Jovi.
Share. Revise. Send.

White keys like child’s teeth
Sing songs of marketing speech
Designers can’t spell

Caffeine-fueled emails
Hard-boiled ebooks for HR
And today, haiku

It’s lunch time

At Firewood headquarters, there’s an impressive array of snacks, plus weekly gourmet lunches. (We donate our catered-lunch fund to an employee-nominated charity once a quarter, as well). Oh empty stomach, what will suppress your growl today?

It’s BBQ day
But dear god, where are the greens!?
My belly is full

No time to eat out
Barely time to heat up soup
I won’t eat my words

It’s a spicy meat-
ball. Beef? Pork? Chicken? Or Lamb?
Just kidding it’s vegan.

The food is on 7,
But I’m not hungry at 11.
Oh well, guess I’ll starve.

& We Partner

Here, we believe in the power of people coming together to tell stories, design solutions, spread kindness, and pursue the road not taken.

Smart tools that answer
your customer’s needs. Always.
Click here. Get started.

You never get a
second chance to make a first
impression. Live más!

Together, we’ll find
solutions to every
problem (hopefully).

Wood on fire will
Crackle, throw sparks, surprise you—
Like a great partner

Thanks for reading, everyone. May the scent of orange blossoms and the hum of fluorescents linger like a cherished memory.