There are a lot of things to love about this place. Its sweeping panoramic views, quaint trolley cars, and mellow climate are all world-famous. But for us folks that call the City by the Bay home it’s the little things that make it marvelous. This time we’ll take our first look at some of the bright spots that keep our hearts burning for San Francisco and the Bay Area.
According to the 2018 Michelin Guide, the Bay Area is the culinary capital of the US. But for me, it’s all about steering clear of the stars and reaching for something a bit more down-to-earth.
Mission Burritos – We have the best burrito in the country. Well, that’s according to FiveThirtyEight, anyway. They evaluated 67,391 burritos across the country—and after both computer and taste bud analysis, our very own La Taqueria came out on top.
However, we all know that FiveThirtyEight’s number crunching has (ahem) proven wrong from time to time. My pick? El Farolito at 24th and Mission—it’s not a burrito, it’s a savory religious experience for under $10.
Photo by Redditor guerotaquero
Beer – The Bay Area and its neighboring communities are home to over 120 breweries, which is kind of mind-blowing when you think about it. And all of those breweries means tons of amazing tap houses—at least a dozen of them within a spirited walk from Firewood HQ.
A short car ride up north will take you to the home of Russian River Brewing Company’s Pliny the Younger, which some argue is (still) the best beer in the world. Or just pop into your neighborhood craft bar. Next door to me is Woods Polk Station, where they brew their own IPA with the South American herb yerba maté for an extra caffeinated kick. Oh, and once a year they make a batch of beers that taste like Girl Scout Cookies. Seriously.
Mikkeller Bar – just a nine-minute walk from Firewood HQ to 40 taps from the best breweries in the world. Source:
Wait, isn’t San Francisco a heavily dense metropolitan center? Sure is, but it’s also home to all sorts of interesting creatures. Here’s a short and sweet list of our friends, both big and small, from the animal kingdom.
Parrots – Nobody knows how this non-native species took root in San Francisco—although there are several theories. What we do know is that our feral cherry-headed conure population is adorable and we love hearing their squeaky, squawky cries all over the city.
Captured this little guy’s best side up on Russian Hill. Coit Tower in the background. Instagram: @corbinhere
Humpback Whales – In the past two years our forty-ton friends have made a big return to the bay. This summer scientists counted 216 whales just off the coast in just over two hours. In fact, there are so many that a kiteboarder collided with one near Crissy Field this summer and captured it on camera. Luckily neither mammal was hurt.
Photo by Leslie Richter/
Dogs – There are an estimated 150,000 dogs in San Francisco—which means SF literally has more fur babies than human children. Take a stroll through any neighborhood or visit any park and that number quickly becomes believable. Our pups even get their own festivals like Corgicon, where over 900 stubby-legged participants frolic and flaunt adorable costumes.
Photo by Instagrammer corgi_zero
Well, that’s it for me. Tune in soon for more little tidbits about what makes SF one hell of a place to call home.